Data entrepreneurs — a course for professionals (DECP)
The EU health sector is rich in data but poor in its use for people and science. The EU needs to harness this huge potential to turn the wealth of health data across Europe into knowledge to serve citizens and better prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases. The target audience for this innovative, new online EIT Health course is doctors, pharmacists, and healthcare researchers at all stages of their professional development.
10 modules are offered (EACCME accreditation coming soon):
Data entrepreneurship (45 minutes, FAU/Björn Eskofier)
Health data management (45 minutes, FAU/Thomas Ganslandt)
Ownership of intellectual property rights in medical data (90 minutes, MUL)
Cybersecurity and data protection (90 minutes, FAU/Björn Eskofier/TEAM-X)
Ethics of collecting and using healthcare data (45 minutes, FAU/To be assigned)
Introduction to R & R Studio (135 mintues, MUL)
Statistics in R & R Studio in medical sciences (90 minutes, MUL)
Deep learning in R (90 minutes, MUL)
Machine learning (90 minutes, MUL)
Data integration (90 minutes, HCB)
For more information, please contact Dr. Maryam Mirzaei.